The Center for Business Law faculty members have a range of experience in diverse areas of the law, including corporate and securities law, intellectual property, tax policy, sports law, and commercial litigation. Their professional backgrounds at law firms, in the federal and state judiciaries, as sole practitioners, and in corporate settings provide a deep well of real-world experience to share with students.
Professor Gary M. Bishop
A former law firm associate and clerk at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Professor Bishop oversees the Legal Research and Writing Program. His research interests include contract theory and the scope of enforceable obligations.
Associate Dean and Professor Allison M. Dussias
Associate Dean and Professor Dussias researches and publishes extensively on American Indian law, including tribal environmental regulation and religious freedom. Previously, she practiced corporate and securities law at a law firm.
Professor Eric A. Lustig, Director
Professor Lustig, who directs the Center for Business Law, served as an attorney-adviser to the US Tax Court in Washington, DC. He writes on business associations, tax policy, and tax-exempt organizations.
Professor Kent D. Schenkel
Professor Schenkel, who practiced estate planning and administration as a board-certified specialist, writes about wills, trusts, estates, and federal tax law.